Sunday, March 8, 2009

Thing 3 -- Blog Search Engines

Well, my first reaction is . . . blogging -- why? who cares? Why would I want to spend my valuable time reading the ramblings of strangers? But, I gave it a try. I looked at Technorati. I did enjoy looking at the White House blog and I will use some of this in my teaching. With Technorati, I found there was lots of repetition from one tab to another. I can get a lot of this information from TV or radio or the newspaper. I would much rather listen to the radio while I am driving, or have the local TV news on while I am getting dressed, making my bed, packing my lunch, and eating breakfast in the morning. On the week-ends, I enjoy sitting down with a cup of tea and the newspaper. It is much easier, time efficient, and more enjoyable that having to turn on the computer, wait for it all to come on, and search for this kind of info. I don't quite understand Technorati Authority. Isn't it just another popularity contest? Just because a blog is popular does not mean it is authoritative. I felt maybe I was missing something. So, I decided to compare 3 different blog searching tools: Technorati, Google Blog Search, and Ice Rocket. Since I am a cross-stitcher, I decided I would look for cross-stitch blogs. In Technorati, I found 4,000 + blogs but I got some blogs for "Lilo and Stitch" (not exactly what I was looking for). I did get hung up here trying to print free patterns. Again, where is there enough time to do this? I tried Google Blog Search and got 300,000+ blogs. How do you sort these out? I would like to note that when I first set up this blog for the 23 Things, I just went to Google and searched "cross stitch blogs" and I think that search was just as satisfactory. I also tried Ice Rocket and got 13,000+ blogs. I liked that I could read a short entry before I selected a blog. This helped me weed out blogs I was not interested in.
One pet peeve that I have about blogs is the lack of correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Why don't people review and correct their blog posts before publishing them? It is not that difficult but if it is not done it makes one look ignorant or at least careless. If you don't care enough to spell and write properly, why should I care enough to read your blog?
And I still maintain that I would rather spend my time cross-stitching than sitting at a computer blogging and reading about everyone else's cross-stitching. It has occurred to me that I might find new patterns or ideas of things I would like to stitch or gadgets that I would like to have but between the local cross-stitch shop and the online "Needlework Show", I have enough ways to spend my money!!

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